Oral and Poster Presentations from 24 International Conference Presentations were given simultaneously in two rooms. This is one of the rooms. Events & Activities 2024.08.04
Visit to Michael's Badminton Academy 250 persons from 13 countries participated in theinternational competition held at the academy. Events & Activities 2024.08.04
At closing ceremony of 24 International Conference Peace Sports Signing Ceremony by delegates of 16 countries from the current 58 member countriesEach country was asked to havesomeone wear their traditional clothesGroup picture Events & Activities 2024.08.04
At opening ceremony of 2024 International Conference Keynote SpeechIndia demonstrated Yoga as a sport for pursuing inner peace Events & Activities 2024.08.04
Prof. Mani Senniappan Prof. Mani Senniappan(A leader for peace sports in India in the peace movement through Throwball) Gallery/Pictures 2024.06.29
Master Kim, Cheol- Eun Master Kim, Cheol- Eun (A leader for peace sports in Connecticut,USA) with pro-golfer Choi, Gyungju Gallery/Pictures 2024.06.29
Prof. Miklos Banhidi Prof. Miklos Banhidi(President for peace sports in Hungary) Gallery/Pictures 2024.06.29
Prof. Sairag Saadprai Prof. Sairag Saadprai, Thammasat University(President for peace sports in Thailand) Gallery/Pictures 2024.06.29